The DIY Jotunheimstien Adventure 2021


Go your own way.

The Jotunheimstien is 250km long and has a simple concept: link Oslo city centre with Jotunheimen, one of the most popular and best-loved wilderness areas in Norway. The first part of the route is mostly below treeline and is well-served by huts.

That doesn’t sound too exciting right? But the second half of the trail does! So I’ll just make my own trail. I decided to skip the first half and extend the second part where things look wilder and more exciting. I’m just not the forest kind of girl. I like big views and wide-open spaces and there’s plenty of that when you go north just a little more.

I’m going to skip the dense forresty bits and enter the trail somewhere around Kittilbua and dive right into the tundra. From there, I’ll hike through the Jontunheimstien National Park and then down to Leirungsdalen, Svartdalen, Storadalen and Visdalen to end at Lom. Or something like that.